When you join Houston Piano Guy, you become an important member of an internationally-growing family. You connect with musicians & music lovers in all genres from different parts of the globe. With Houston Piano Guy, one thing is guaranteed - Learning through FUN! Our commitment is to teaching music in a warm & friendly space where you can’t help but become creative & innovative!

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Self-Paced Courses
Live Classes with Houston Piano Guy

Live Classes with Houston Piano Guy

Learn from educators who are performers in a friendly atmosphere that will spur your creative juices! Explore the unique Houston Piano Guy experience with live music classes online & offline in a host of disciplines - from Carnatic vocals to guitar, from vocal percussion to Western singing.

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Music Teachers

Houston Piano Guy In Schools

Join our 30,000+ strong family, partner with Houston Piano Guy and offer structured music classes for your students at school! We've designed our educator training program with the Norwegian Academy of Music - Europe's largest conservatory. The program helps teachers deal with all kinds of classroom situations. Give your students the benefit of an NEP*-compliant syllabus through this impactful musical experience!

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